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Awards & Recognition
On August 6, 2020 I was humbled to receive for the second time the SPE Regional Award for Management and Information. I would like to thank the nominating committee for this recognition and seize this occasion to also thank all the volunteers who contributed to build the Gulf Coast Section Digital Transformation Study Group. It was a great experience to chair this group of fantastic individuals from its inception until the end of July 2020. I will for sure continue to support the incoming chair and his committee to ensure a smooth transition for this organization to continue to grow and prosper.
In the challenging times our planet and especially our industry is facing, I remain convinced that only a thoughtful adoption of digital levers will allow companies to succeed and differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack. We have been very squeamish to adopt new ways of working based on trusting each other’s and adopting digital tools to facilitate and enhance our capabilities to be more efficient, safe and environmentally responsible.
The unfortunate events we are facing nowadays give us an opportunity to rise to the occasion and transform ourselves, the companies we work for, and our industry all together.
Join the SPE Digital Transformation Study Group and the Digital Energy Technical Section to embark in this once in a lifetime opportunity to make a huge difference!

Virtual Conferences

Emerging Cybersecurity Threats in Oil & Gas – Recoding

Cutter Business Technology Journal June 2020
There are three complementary facets we need to consider when it comes to trustworthiness, particularly in an industrial environment: trusting the data, a challenge made more difficult by the emergence of IoT, digital transformation, and cyberattacks; trusting the tools, for example, the machine learning algorithms whose innards are, almost by design, largely inscrutable; and trusting the people, given the pandemic-era new work practices.

Offshore Engineer – October 2020
DigitalTransformation will have a profound impact on the way work is organized and how relationships are maintained in the future and will necessitate environments of trust. Philippe Flichy, Digital Transformation Advisor, explains how trust is becoming a keystone for Digital Transformation in a world where telepresence and #remotework are no longer anomalies but business as usual .
French American Chamber of Commerce Magazine – Spring-Summer 2020 – Page 41

Philippe Flichy IoT in Oil and Gas Conference 2019